
Faces of the Gone
Brad returned from ThrillerFest 2009, the annual convention held by the International Thriller Writers, to find our little group—the interns at—in varying states of indolence.

Peter, the slothful intern, was napping. Sarah, the smart intern, was in the midst of Sudoku. Zach, the silly intern, was just goofing off.

But Brad didn't seem to notice. More to the point, he was having trouble fitting his ego-swollen head through the front door of the office.

"I signed autographs!" he announced, before even saying hello.

"Autographs?" Peter inquired, lifting his head and wiping the drool off his chin.

"Yes, autographs," Brad replied as he attempted to strike a heroic pose.

Sarah narrowed her eyes and asked, "Did you lie and start telling people you were a professional golfer again?"

"No," Zach interjected. "But I bet with every 'autograph' he signed he had to leave a tip and it said 'MERCHANT COPY' at the bottom."

Knowing we would soon have to pump out another issue of The Scoop, the Official Newsletter of the Carter Ross Fan Club, we did some research into Brad's claim. We learned he really did sign some autographs—six of them, to be exact—after appearing on a panel at ThrillerFest.

Granted, three of them were for people who just seemed to pity him, sitting all alone at the author autograph table. And one was for a hapless female fan who only came over after Brad spied her badge and said, "My, what an interesting name you have." But two were for people who actually sought (and received) Brad's autograph.

So, yes, it's been heady times for our resident author, who recently conducted his first real interview, as opposed to the fake Q&A we put up on the website. He also got shout outs in The Star-Ledger and The Bergen Record for his appearance at the BooksNJ Festival at the Paramus Library in June.

All this, and FACES OF THE GONE, Brad's perhaps-anticipated debut novel, won't even be out until December.

But don't worry. He's back at the office now. We'll have that head shrunk down to regular size in no time.

Best Wishes,
The Interns
